Cool Status

Cool is not a state of mind; it’s a way of being.

Coolness is an attitude, not a temperature.

Be so cool that you create your own breeze.

Cool is the rule, and I’m the exception.

Coolness is the art of being yourself, no matter what others think.

Stay cool; it’s the only way to ride the waves of life.

Cool is not about popularity; it’s about authenticity.

In a world full of trends, be a classic cool.

Cool is not something you become; it’s something you’ve always been.

Coolness is the calm in the chaos.

Being cool is being your own person in your own way.

Coolness is a natural byproduct of being true to yourself.

Cool is the quiet confidence that comes from self-acceptance.

Coolness is the ability to stay calm in the midst of chaos.

In the cool breeze of individuality, the mundane withers away.

Cool is not about fitting in; it’s about standing out with style.

Coolness is the art of navigating life with effortless style.

Be the kind of person your dog thinks is cool.

Cool is the ability to inspire without saying a word.

Coolness is an inside job; it starts with being comfortable in your own skin.

Cool is the currency of those who value authenticity.

Coolness is not about what you have; it’s about who you are.

Be so cool that even ice cubes envy your chill.

Coolness is the art of being unapologetically yourself.

Cool is the calm confidence that comes from embracing your uniqueness.

In a world of copycats, be the cool cat.

Cool is the effortless elegance that comes from being genuine.

Coolness is the ability to find joy in the little things.

Be so cool that you leave a trail of good vibes wherever you go.

Cool is not about the clothes you wear; it’s about the way you wear them.

Coolness is the quiet assurance that comes from knowing your worth.

Cool is the art of turning ordinary moments into extraordinary memories.

In a world obsessed with trends, be a timeless cool.

Coolness is the art of making a positive impact without seeking approval.

Cool is the confidence to dance to your own beat.

Be so cool that your presence is felt even in your absence.

Coolness is the ability to adapt without losing your authenticity.

Cool is the rebellious spirit that refuses to conform to mediocrity.

In the cool shade of self-confidence, criticism withers away.

Coolness is not about being perfect; it’s about being interesting.

Cool is the effortless grace that comes from embracing imperfections.

Be so cool that even your shadow wants to hang out with you.

Coolness is the art of staying calm in the storm of life.

Cool is not about popularity; it’s about integrity.

Coolness is the art of making a difference with a nonchalant smile.

In a world of followers, be the cool leader.

Cool is not about what you drive; it’s about the journey you enjoy.

Coolness is the ability to find peace in the midst of chaos.

Cool is not about being liked; it’s about being respected.

Be so cool that even challenges feel the need to step aside.

Coolness is the art of letting go of what you can’t control.

Cool is the casual confidence that comes from self-awareness.

In the cool realm of authenticity, trends lose their grip.

Cool is not about conforming; it’s about transforming.

Coolness is the ability to inspire others without seeking attention.

Be so cool that even the stars take notes on your shine.

Cool is the charisma that comes from being comfortable in your own skin.

Coolness is not about being indifferent; it’s about choosing kindness.

Cool is not about being flawless; it’s about embracing your quirks.

Cool is the courage to be different in a world that values conformity.

Be so cool that your vibe attracts your tribe.

Coolness is the art of making the best of any situation.

Cool is not about the brand you wear; it’s about the values you uphold.

Cool is the quiet confidence that comes from knowing who you are.

In the cool breeze of authenticity, pretense withers away.

Coolness is the ability to stay calm in the face of adversity.

Cool is the effortless style that comes from being true to yourself.

Be so cool that your presence elevates the room temperature.

Coolness is not about being detached; it’s about connecting authentically.

Cool is the calm demeanor that comes from being secure in your identity.

Cool is the ability to appreciate the beauty in diversity.

Coolness is not about being aloof; it’s about being approachable.

Be so cool that you turn every challenge into a stepping stone.

Cool is the courage to be imperfect in a world obsessed with perfection.

Coolness is the art of making a statement without saying a word.

Cool is not about impressing others; it’s about expressing yourself.

Cool is the effortless charm that comes from being genuine.

Be so cool that even time takes a moment to appreciate you.

Coolness is not about being exclusive; it’s about being inclusive.

Cool is the ability to find joy in the journey, not just the destination.

Cool is the quiet confidence that comes from staying true to your values.

Coolness is not about being unapproachable; it’s about being real.

Be so cool that your attitude becomes contagious.

Cool is the calm acceptance of both success and failure.

Coolness is the art of being present in the moment.

Cool is not about having it all; it’s about enjoying what you have.

Cool is the charisma that comes from embracing your uniqueness.

Be so cool that even challenges enjoy your company.

Coolness is the ability to adapt without losing your essence.

Cool is the quiet confidence that comes from self-love.

Cool is not about being distant; it’s about being connected to yourself.

Coolness is the art of turning setbacks into comebacks.

Be so cool that your energy uplifts everyone around you.

Cool is the casual courage to be yourself, no matter the circumstance.

Cool is not about seeking attention; it’s about giving inspiration.

Coolness is the art of making kindness the coolest thing of all.

Cool is the quiet confidence that comes from inner strength.

Be so cool that your legacy outlasts the trends of time.

Coolness is not about being indifferent; it’s about making a difference.

Cool is the ability to stay true to yourself, no matter the noise.

I command you – just go and chill.

Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.

Keep your eyes on the stars and feet on the ground.

Every great idea I have gets me in trouble.

I survived because the fire inside me was brighter than the fire outside.

Cool head with a low profile, but always aiming something big.

Dare to be different, the world is full of ordinary.

I am not the someone trying to be cool and trendy, but I’m definitely an individual.

Be a pineapple – Stand tall, wear a crown and sweet inside.

Being cool is being yourself, not doing something that someone tells you.

Life doesn’t get easier, you get stronger.

She’s my best friend. You break her heart, I will break your face.

Some people are like clouds, when they go away the day is brighter.

I can, I will – end of story.

You have to be odd to be number one.

I don’t care if you are joking. I am in bad mood and you are pissing me off.

LIVE every moments, LAUGH everyday, LOVE beyond words.

Sleeping is my drug, my bed is my dealer and my alarm clock, the police.

If ‘PLAN A’ didn’t work, there are 25 more alphabets. Stay cool.

You are your only limit.

May your life be as cool as you pretend on facebook.

I didn’t fall, I just kissed the floor.

If you stumble, make it part of the dance.

I am not lazy, just in my energy saving mode.

You think you are crazy, met your brother!!

Its better to be absolutely ridiculous, than to be absolutely boring.

Do your thing and don’t care if they like it.

You haven’t seen my bad side yet.

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits. – Albert Einstein.

I’m not running away from hard work, I’m too lazy to run.

Nothing is cooler than a big comeback and that will be me.